Blending patient advocacy and health coaching like never before.

Discover our unique approach

Offers peace of mind no matter what your medical journey involves.

Boutique Patient Advocacy

Finding your way on your own can be anything
but a straight line, sometimes feeling like
you're coming out on the bottom.

Finding your way on your own can be anything but a straight line, sometimes feeling like you're coming out on the bottom.

Today's healthcare system can be a maze

We specialize in understanding the system,
untangling it, and guiding you down the
smoothest road to the best outcome.

We specialize in understanding the system, untangling it, and guiding you down the smoothest road to the best outcome.

Scio is your expert ally in your corner

Patient Advocacy Services

Manages all the logistics of your care -- imagine a personal assistant for all things medical

Devotes abundant time to researching new diagnoses, injuries, or illnesses and identifying the latest information and top specialists to
address your needs

Connects you to the best medical providers and health services, including physicians, therapists, home nurses, personal chefs, and many more

Takes away the hassle with insurance and billing

Fills the often missing link of communication between all your providers and health services

Provides unwavering, in-person support during a hospitalization for you and your family

Safeguards a comprehensive plan when transitioning home from a hospitalization

Provides guidance and full support for you and your family with end-of-life planning and care

And so much more...

So you feel your
most energetic and vibrant, no matter
what age you are.

Peak Potential


The most proactive 
medicine, addressing
the root cause of disease before it even happens.

Functional, Precision, Longevity Medicine

Generally reactive
to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine

Your Health 
Coach adds

So you feel your most energetic and vibrant, no matter what age you are.

Peak Potential



The most proactive medicine, addressing the root cause of disease before it even happens.

Functional, Precision, & Longevity Medicine

Generally reactive to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine



Generally reactive to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine

Health Coach

Generally reactive to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine

The most proactive medicine, getting to the root cause of disease before it even happens.

Functional, Precision, & Longevity Medicine

Generally reactive to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine

Health Coach

Unlocks your

The most proactive medicine, getting to the root cause of disease before it even happens.

Functional, Precision, & Longevity Medicine

Generally reactive to diseases and slow to adopt the latest advancements.

Traditional Medicine

Health Coach

Propels you to your highest potential with cutting edge innovations.

Customized Health Coaching

Health Coaching Services

Conducts a comprehensive health assessment, taking into account physical, mental, and emotional factors

Utilizes cutting-edge modalities from traditional, functional, precision, and longevity medicine to achieve your personal health goals

Focuses on measuring biomarkers and other available tests often overlooked or unknown to traditional medicine

Addresses the root cause of illness and takes a proactive approach to prevent chronic conditions through sustainable lifestyle modifications

Enables you to attain optimal energy, focus, and vitality by tailoring recommendations to your unique bio-individuality

Screens today’s health information overload and delivers the findings that truly deserve your attention

Exactly what you need

Exactly when you need it.
It's that simple.



We find the best providers and services for you, not limiting you to one practice or system.

We are at your side
and have your back, treating you like family.


We grow and evolve precisely how you need us, knowing your needs will change over time.


We offer memberships tailored to your specific needs.

Options include health coaching only or both health coaching and patient advocacy for clients based in the San Francisco Bay Area.


We would love to chat more.

Please schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn what we can do specifically for you.