Because who you choose to guide you makes all the difference.

The ideal team for you


My first love was surgery, which I eagerly pursued through my internship at UCSF, residency at Inova, and a research fellowship at Johns Hopkins...

Meredith Meyer


Fueled by a passion for helping others, my healthcare journey began with nursing, evolving into a master's degree and Nurse Practitioner Certificate...

Co-founder, Health Concierge,
Nurse Practitioner

Jenn Ponzo

Co-founder, Health Concierge,

Jenn Ponzo

With a desire to impact patients on a more profound level, I earned my master's degree and Nurse Practitioner Certificate from UCSF School of Nursing. This propelled me into roles with the Cardiac Surgery, Heart Transplant, and Lung Transplant teams at UCSF.

After witnessing the limitations of traditional medicine in addressing chronic illnesses, I shifted towards Functional and Precision Medicine, becoming a health coach.

Motivated by an unwavering commitment to uncover optimal health, I employ modalities and approaches frequently overlooked by traditional medicine.

"I've always been drawn to helping others in need"

This inherent passion led me to healthcare. Building a foundation in nursing across critical care, cardiovascular, emergency, and general medicine, I evolved into the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) Cardiac Surgery Nurse Coordinator.

This position honed my skills in navigating the complex insurance and referral systems, collaborating with administrators, and contributing to quality improvement projects. I was recognized with the prestigious national Daisy Award for my clinical expertise and work ethic.

Co-founder, Health Concierge,
Nurse Practitioner

Meredith Meyer

My passion and focus became the critical care aspects of these services, as well as further understanding how to improve the patient experience overall.

"For me, it started with family"

Every evening at dinner, my dad would regale us with stories of his day as a surgeon, sparking a passion in me.

After graduating medical school, I embarked on my General Surgery residency, first with an internship at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), followed by my second year of residency at Inova Fairfax Medical Center.

The following year I completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at Johns Hopkins University in conjuncture with my residency program. 

Co-founder, Health Concierge,

  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Heart Transplant
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Lung Transplant
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Colorectal Surgery
  • Kidney Transplant
  • Pediatric Surgery
  • Vascular Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Acute Care Surgery
  • Surgical Oncology

However, I was determined to identify innovative ways to serve patients beyond the limits of the healthcare system and pivoted away from residency to explore this.

Over the next years, I practiced as a moonlighting physician at UCSF, working on many surgical specialities:

Our vision

To empower you with life-changing knowledge and tools, because everyone deserves to feel their best.

Imagine a life where vitality surges through you, sparked by tailored, empowering steps that intricately optimize your well-being.


Picture unwavering peace of mind, regardless of diagnoses, with access to the best providers and armed with extensive knowledge of innovative therapies.

Peace of Mind

Envision being shielded from logistical burdens and maximizing your time
by entrusting Scio with every detail.


To have an expert guide you through every aspect of your medical journey, someone who knows the medicine and the system.

The solution is simple, yet profound

To have an expert guide you through every aspect of your medical journey, someone who knows the medicine and the system.

The solution is simple, yet profound

We bring two decades of experience as providers spanning the entire healthcare spectrum.

Experienced where it matters most

Involving the most extensive life-saving therapies

Clinic care

ICU care

Caring for outpatient needs and navigating referrals

So you don't have to.

We specialize in the system

The stakes are too high to take on
the healthcare system alone.

When it matters most

In your corner, understanding where traditional medicine shines and where it falls short.

It is crucial to have an expert

Just as a financial advisor safeguards your nest egg, a Health Concierge safely guards your well-being and your time.

A Health Concierge is your ultimate ally


We would love to chat more.

Please schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn what we can do specifically for you.